Services of PowerKont

Design and construction of complete insulator string sets:

We design your complete insulator string sets, also in case of upgarding existing lines, or retrofit solutions, taking into account all necessary parameter:

electrically --> especially considering arcing rings
(please look the video's here).

mechanically --> especially considering various kinds of string sets
(please look for examples here).

behaviour under harsh environment --> look to our consulting service of insulator choice.


at general design of transmission lines
(Tower, conductor choice, load calculations, FACTS).
(Please also have a look here).

at choice of best insulators for your project
(Please look at publications here).

at questions about aeolian vibration of overhead lines.

at the choice of products and design of outdoor substations, i.e.
Tubular or conductor busbar choice, transformer, bushings, switches etc.
(Please also have a look here).

at choice of clamps and connectors considering aspects of heavy current contact technology. (Details can be found here).

at choice of earthing systems.

Supply chain management:

'One stop shop' for our customers by taking over all necessary purchasing and control activities.

Adding material needs of smaller customers.

Product research in case of problems in finding substitutes or seldomly used products.

Qualitiy control of production places and products for customers.